My journey as a patrol leader

 Around 9 months ago, I was announced as the patrol Leader of Shark patrol as well as the vice-chairman of the unit. As soon as it was announced that I was the vice-chairman, I was overjoyed as I became the Patrol Leader, which was something I wanted since sec 1 as I was inspired by my seniors. I was also very afraid as I had to handle a lot of responsibilities. 

As a Patrol leader, I learnt that I should do all the work and instead spread the work among the all the patrol members. I also had to make sure that I checked in on them and motivated them. Moreover as a Vice-chairman i had to assist my chairman  in overseeing the troop and the PLC.

There were many problems that we faced as a PLC. One of the problems was the lack of teamwork within the PLC. In our first PLC meeting we had 4 out of the 10 PLC members show up. This was very demoralizing as we thought that everyone would help to create a engaging activity for the online training. As my chairman and I couldn't deal with this problem we decided to seek help from our Rover and Sir. With their advice we managed to get full attendance in the next PLC meeting.

My journey as a Patrol leader was quite though and challenging due to Covid-19.My batch and I felt it was very though to work online as we couldn't to the traditional trainings and had to create new ideas to teach the newer scout about scouting while also making it fun. However I felt that our PLC managed to learn and develop as Leaders and I am excited to move onto venturing. This journey would have been a lot harder if it wasn't for the other PLs help and I am grateful to them as well as the Senior ventures, Rovers and Adult leaders for assisting me in my journey as a PL.


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