
In sec 2 I was asked to be a mentee to my senior, Vanness.

I have learnt a lot about not only scouting but I have learnt how to be a better leader and how to be more interactive. Vanness helped me be better at scouting by teaching me some of the lashes i didn't know fully which helped me be more prepared when my batch took over the troop as I knew the lashes and I will be able to teach me juniors the same thing my mentor taught me. He has also helped me be a better leader by giving me opportunities to lead the troop. For example when we went to Batam he allowed me to be ASPL when he was SPL and allowed me to SPL the next day which helped me as the sirs told me what I was doing wrong and I hope to correct these when my batch takes over the troop. Moreover he helped me when I was SPL by guiding me on what to do and how to address the information properly. But the one thing he helped me with that not only will it help me when I take over the troop but it helps me in life, he thought be how to be interact with new people as when I first joined scouts I didn't talk to anyone but after I saw Vanness interact with so many scouts he didn't even know I realize that it wasn't that hard and I eventually overcame it.

My mentor and me respectively 

Although I was Sec 2 I decided to help him as I felt that

In Sec 2 I deiced to be a mentor to my junior, Ryan. Although I was Sec 2 I decided to help him as I felt that he had a lot of potential as he was asking a lot of questions and he didn't blindly follow what people asked him to do but instead he thought logically and came out with better options at times. Although he was lazy at times I knew he could be a leader in the future so decided to help him with any questions he had about scouts and try to motivate him to aim higher. Here is what he said about how I helped him, 
'Asvind was a very caring mentor towards me. He had helped me from the moment I started my journey at southern cross scouts. He was there to guide me and explain to me how to do many things like pioneering and outdoor cooking. He was always willing to help explain to me how to do my proficiency badges. Even in school I can see him willingly helping his friends study topics that they do not understand. The unit has also benefited from him being vice-chairman. He knew how to manage online scout meetings and those meetings were very efficient. If he had not done that, we would have been lacking behind compared to other scout units. I am thankful for his service to our unit and his compassion towards me.'
Although I was the person who was teaching I learnt a lot about myself through mentoring him. I learnt that I shouldn't be overly confident in myself and I shouldn't be afraid to ask other people about things I do not know.
As I am stepping down and beginning my venturing journey I'm Proud on how he has devolved, he went from someone with a lot of unused potential to the Patrol Leader of Stingray. Although I have stepped down I will continue to assist him whenever he needs help.

Me and my mentee respectively 


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