Literature review

The reason I choose Harry Potter was because the storyline was so intense and complex. Reading through the book, it was often confusing as there were so many plot twists and side scenes that had everything to do with the main plot. The last few chapters of the book were among the best story wrap-ups I’ve ever read an example would be when Harry sees into Snape’s memories and recognizes who Snape really was, why he treated Harry the way he did and yet invisibly helped Harry along the way. After reading what Harry saw in Snape’s memories, there were many flashbacks to certain scenes from the earlier books. These otherwise confusing pieces of the plot finally fit in perfectly; I’m not aware whether Rowling wrote out the entire storyline of her Harry Potter series before she started writing, or if she just came up with the ending when it was time to write the last one. Either way, it was an entirely genius technique to end the book, and it left me feeling like my heart was taken out, beaten, squeezed, and put back in . It was amazing and I wish I could write like that.

My favorite Character was Sirius Black as he keeps his Promises he is the epitome of a loyal friend. Avenging the death of his best friend, James, was the driving force that led him to escape from Azkaban. Once he gets to Harry, he immediately claims his right as Harry’s godfather, the way James would have wanted it. He invests himself in Harry’s life, befriending his friends and teaching him more about his family than he ever would have known otherwise. He is incredibly protective, a man of great conviction and a man of his word. Even though he couldn’t invite Harry to live with him at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban the way he had originally intended as he was on the run with a wizard world price on his head, he still maintains constant contact with Harry and is always intent on being with him whenever he can.


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