Fitness Goal- 10 Consecutive Pull ups

 Physical fitness goal: 10 consecutive pull ups

Start date: 6 February 2020

End date: 17 April 2020

I started off being able to do do 5 consecutive pull ups and I was not satisfied with what I could do so I decided to have a schedule so that I could be better prepared for NAPFA so since 6 February I did pull ups everyday on weekdays and I would also do push ups so I can improve my stamina. I faced a lot of challenges as at times I felt lazy and too tired to follow my routine but I was focused on the goal and decided to continue. Then on 23 February I managed to do 6 pull ups and I felt very accomplished that I managed to increase my max pull up count in 2 weeks. So feeling motivated I kept to my schedule and slowly but surely kept increasing my max pulls up and on 15th April I managed to do 10 consecutive pull ups but I could not do it consistently so I kept working out and finally on 17 April I managed to do 10 consecutive pull ups consistently. From this I truly understood that if I set out to achieve something and do it with determination it is possible.


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