Mystery Pioneerings

Us building the structure.

1 days ago, as part of our SLC Training, Rover Andrew wanted us to participate in a pioneering activity with a special twist. Instead of letting us know what we were building, he only sent the structure design to 2 of my batchmates, Gabriel and Aide, and both of them were tasked to lead this pioneering project. Being the ICs of this project, they also had to instruct us to take the required amount of logistics.

As soon as we got all our poles and ropes to the parade square, both Gabriel and Aide immediately started to brief us on the structure we were doing. Due to the amount of work needed to build the structure, we were split into 2 and each group had to build a specific part of the gateway. In each group another IC had to be appointed to ensure that everything was going smoothly. 

What my group had to do was to build a simple x frame with 2 supports while what the other group had to do was to build 2 tripods. Each time we raised our frame, the top part of it was always too heavy and we had to bring it down and retire it a few times. Apart from that, we also faced the difficulty of having to use poor quality ropes, which made the overall experience of pioneering fairly challenging. After a while I understood the design of the structure and we managed to raise the structure.

Overall, I feel that this way of pioneering is interesting and effective at the same time as the IC were thrown into a situation they did not expect but they managed to adapt and raise the structure in the end.


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