1st SLC Training

Before the first training I was very stressed as I had heard about previous batch SLCs and was expecting the worse. However on the day itself there was not much I was worried about as it was modules. The training was quite insightful. I learnt things such as what is a PLC and the various roles of members in the PLC.I also learnt methods to make a proper plan  such as OLAM and Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

O represents objective 
Objective of the training must be useful.

L represents Location
The location of the activity must be safe

A represents audience
The people who plan should is the audience

M represents motivation
What will interest the audience.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
-It is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a 5 tier model of human needs.

After learning the new techniques the seniors assigned us to plan for the next meeting in our individual patrols.


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