combined campfire with CHIJ St Theresa Convert

 My Troop hosted our annual campfire this year but with a twist, This campfire was combined with the guides from CHIJ STC. The campfire process was planned by both schools. The start of the combined campfire preparations we were split into respective campfire patrols and got to know our patrol members with ice breakers. My mentor helped me interact with the guides as I was initially quite awkward around them as I did not know any of them. With his help our patrol interacted a lot.

My patrol members during the campfire.

During the second cohesion meeting we went to their school  for more games. Thankfully since we had interacted with them before it was less awkward among us.

Since it was a campfire we decided to make some pioneering structures. I was The 2IC in the pioneering project. At first i was just tying the knots instead of telling people what to do so it put a lot of stress on my mentor. After seeing him struggle I realize that I should help him lead instead of doing something everyone can do. So i helped him by telling people how the structure should look like and assigned people to do different parts to make sure that they do not waste time.

On the day of the campfire our first activity was a mini orienteering game around the school. Each patrol was given a paper with a 6 digit reference. Using the reference, we needed to figure out where the ga,es were and try to attain the most points.

After the game our activity was backwoodsman cooking competition. During this segment of the day we were supposed to cook a dish that was planned before hand by the patrol. And the best tasting dish wins.

Our patrol was given Japanese as our cuisine so we choose Kimchi Bokumbap which is Kimchi Fried Rice I felt this session was very fun as we were doing backwoodsman. Although we didn't win I felt that our dish looked nice and was quite tasty.

We ended with the campfire an performance by both scouts and Guides. I really enjoyed this segment as I saw my old friends and my new friends performing.

The campfire came to end when our Scout Leader delivered a yarn.


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